
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Elements of Geography

So far, you know all about the organization and government of our utopia. So next up is.... Geography. The main question here is location. Our utopia will be located deep under water. So deep under water, no one will be able to reach us unless they were in a submarine. We get visited from outside sources once every two months. This way we get visited and checked up on just in case we all die from being delusional. The outsiders will have our backs. There will be three central buildings: House, Job/ School. Main. The Housing building is..... pretty self explanatory. The Jobs/ Schools building are also pretty self explanatory. And the Main building isn't. The Main building is where the outsiders come to visit us, or where everybody goes to pick up food or shop for anything that they need. The main building is pretty much everything but homing and educational needs. One of the cool things about where we are locates is that since it is under water, we have the capability to have windows all over. The view is amazing. Fish have become our best friends. That is the best part.

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