
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Action Plan

Many people have been complaining about how our utopia is deep underwater. We have decided to change this and go up an few thousand feet closer to the surface. This way their is nearly no water pressure, and our citizens don't have to worry about it. Next we are changing it to where our citizens can have two days off, Saturday and Sunday. And then we will have more family activities those two days.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Elements of Individuality

Individuality in our country is a priority. Everyone wears designer clothes. But not the ones that you can barely breath in, the ones that look and feel good. Some choices are left to the society, but others are left to the individual. Some examples of society choices are where all homes are located. The individuals choice is how the home looks and feel for comforting purposes. Everyone' s style is unique. We feel that each person should be able to choose how they wear their clothes. All clothes will be stylish but not provocative.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Daily Life and Economy

Money is important. Remember that, you will need to know that in life. So how do you get money? Well in jobs. When you turn 21 you will be able to get a job. Until then, you must go to school. Every school year will cover a different occupation, except for years 1- 5 (age 2- 8), which will simply cover the basic units of education. For example, year six( age 9) will learn all about architecture. And so on and so on. The last three school years will go over all the occupations that you can choose. This way you can easily decide what you want to do as an adult. As an adult you get paid depending on the importance of the job. A scientist that just learns and studies plants will get less money than scientists that learn and study new ways to preserve life. Every day but Saturday, you will have to go to school/ work. Saturday will the resting day. On the resting day families can just hang out and have fun together. Everyday at 7:00 a.m. breakfast will be served. At 12:00 sharp lunch is served, and at 5:00 p.m. dinner will be served. Everybody must come on time, if not they do not get too eat. Daily life in our utopia is simple, all you have to do is follow the rules!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Elements of Geography

So far, you know all about the organization and government of our utopia. So next up is.... Geography. The main question here is location. Our utopia will be located deep under water. So deep under water, no one will be able to reach us unless they were in a submarine. We get visited from outside sources once every two months. This way we get visited and checked up on just in case we all die from being delusional. The outsiders will have our backs. There will be three central buildings: House, Job/ School. Main. The Housing building is..... pretty self explanatory. The Jobs/ Schools building are also pretty self explanatory. And the Main building isn't. The Main building is where the outsiders come to visit us, or where everybody goes to pick up food or shop for anything that they need. The main building is pretty much everything but homing and educational needs. One of the cool things about where we are locates is that since it is under water, we have the capability to have windows all over. The view is amazing. Fish have become our best friends. That is the best part.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Important Organization Elements

The most important thing in our utopia land is family. Everybody hopes to have a normal family, but nobody seems to have one. You know, the family where the mom loves to embarrass you in front of your family, the dad whom wants to know who you are dating every other day, and even the little sibling who likes saying all of your deepest and darkest secrets in public. Well, that kind of family doesn't exist in our land. Our families ALWAYS consist of four people. Mom, dad, and two kids, one girl and one boy. Kids will be the mother and fathers own "creation". The wife and husband are married from love, nothing arranged. All marriages will be put to the test before actually being married, this way there is no need for divorce. Every family will own there own home, in a neighborhood of twenty houses. A simple problem that is overcame in our utopia is money. All families will receive a certain amount of money in the beginning, and the money will be used however the family wants to use it. One language is spoken by all, this way there is no confusion. In our utopia, all families are the same in some ways, but unique in other ways. That is the way we like.